How it works

How it works

Remember a time when you could eat just about anything and never gain fat. That wasn’t a product of youth, but a product of an efficient metabolism. We don’t become “hard losers” because of age, but because of years of toxicity build up and hormone deregulation that slowly causes you to be unable to achieve sustainable fat loss.

The answer is not as simple as less calories ingested vs. calories burned. Through immense strength and will power you may lose a few pounds, but they will return, and with friends. Enter Hudson Valley Weight loss: With specific technology, we will measure your unique metabolic deficits and create a customized program to reset your metabolism, turning you from a ‘hard loser’ to a ‘fat burner’. Since this will reset your metabolic thermostat, you will get off of the ‘yo-yo’ merry go round and maintain your new fat loss, for life.